Evacuation planning is an important and difficult task in building design. The proposed framework can identify optimal evacuation plans using decision points, which control the ratio of agents that select a particular route at a specific spatial location. The authors optimize these ratios to achieve the best evacuation based on a quantitatively validated metric for evacuation performance. This metric captures many of the important aspects of an evacuation: total evacuation time, average evacuation time, agent speed, and local agent density. The proposed approach was validated using a night club model that incorporates real data from an actual evacuation.
author={V. J. {Cassol} and E. {Smania Testa} and C. {Rosito Jung} and M. {Usman} and P. {Faloutsos} and G. {Berseth} and M. {Kapadia} and N. I. {Badler} and S. {Raupp Musse}},
journal={IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications},
title={Evaluating and Optimizing Evacuation Plans for Crowd Egress},